Prievidzská 406/30
Reštaurácia sa nachádza v renesančnom kaštieli a pôsobí na trhu úctyhodných dvadsať rokov pod vedením Mariána Fila. Pravidelne získava umiestnenie medzi 3 najlepšími reštauráciami na Slovensku. Tím reštaurácie varil pre sedem prezidentov, kráľovské veličenstvá, ako aj generálneho sekretára OSN. V reštaurácii sa snažia využívať čo najviac vlastné suroviny, majú vlastnú farmu chov dobytka, ošípaných, hydiny a rýb.
Reštaurácia aj v roku 2024 potvrdila ocenenie 2 Zlaté vidličky a bola 2x Prémiovou reštauráciou roka podľa gastronomického bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku! V roku 2019 dostala od tohto bedekra aj cenu: Hospitality AWARD. Marián Filo sa stal 2x najlepším Kuchárom roka na Slovensku.
The restaurant is located in a Renaissance manor house and has been on the market for twenty years under the leadership of Marian Fil. It regularly gets a place among the 3 best restaurants in Slovakia. The restaurant's team has cooked for seven presidents, royalty as well as the Secretary General of the United Nations. The restaurant tries to use their own ingredients as much as possible, they have their own farm raising cattle, pigs, poultry and fish. The restaurant also confirmed the award of 2 Golden Forks in 2024 and was 2x Premium Restaurant of the Year according to the gastronomic booklet Gourmet in Slovakia! In 2019, it also received an award from this bedeckeker: Hospitality AWARD. Marián Filo became 2x Best Chef of the Year in Slovakia.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55 €
Verkostung kaufenReštaurácia aj v roku 2024 potvrdila ocenenie 2 Zlaté vidličky a bola 2x Prémiovou reštauráciou roka podľa gastronomického bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku! V roku 2019 dostala od tohto bedekra aj cenu: Hospitality AWARD. Marián Filo sa stal 2x najlepším Kuchárom roka na Slovensku.
The restaurant is located in a Renaissance manor house and has been on the market for twenty years under the leadership of Marian Fil. It regularly gets a place among the 3 best restaurants in Slovakia. The restaurant's team has cooked for seven presidents, royalty as well as the Secretary General of the United Nations. The restaurant tries to use their own ingredients as much as possible, they have their own farm raising cattle, pigs, poultry and fish. The restaurant also confirmed the award of 2 Golden Forks in 2024 and was 2x Premium Restaurant of the Year according to the gastronomic booklet Gourmet in Slovakia! In 2019, it also received an award from this bedeckeker: Hospitality AWARD. Marián Filo became 2x Best Chef of the Year in Slovakia.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55 €