Hlavné námestie 95/49
Štýlová á la carte reštaurácia Poézia v historickom centre Kežmarku je miestom, kde zabudnete na všedné problémy dňa pri degustácií našich kulinárskych špecialít. Hotelová kuchyňa je orientovaná na 4 ročné obdobia a pri príprave jedál využíva čerstvé sezónne suroviny. Ponúka regionálne špeciality i jedlá medzinárodnej kuchyne, pozornosť sa venuje aj bezmäsitým jedlám.
The stylish á la carte restaurant Poetry in the historic centre of Kežmarok is a place where you can forget about the everyday problems of the day while tasting our culinary specialties. The hotel's cuisine is oriented to the 4 seasons and uses fresh seasonal ingredients in the preparation of dishes. It offers regional specialties and international cuisine, with attention also paid to meatless dishes.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
The stylish á la carte restaurant Poetry in the historic centre of Kežmarok is a place where you can forget about the everyday problems of the day while tasting our culinary specialties. The hotel's cuisine is oriented to the 4 seasons and uses fresh seasonal ingredients in the preparation of dishes. It offers regional specialties and international cuisine, with attention also paid to meatless dishes.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €