Kozia 21
www.cozycoza.sk Bratislava
V Cozy Coza prinášame do centra Bratislavy nové a odvážne spojenia európskych a ázijských chutí pod taktovkou nášho exotického and high skilled šéfkuchára Anjana Thambawitage. U nás si môžete dopriať unikátny, pestrý, silný a pikantný zážitok z nevšedného jedla, ktoré v sebe spája chute neobyčajných cudzokrajných surovín, priamo tu vo Vašom meste, od svetového kuchára. Našou špecialitou sú autentické curry špeciality z rôznych regiónov, ktoré sú nielen pôžitkom daného okamihu, ale majú vďaka čarovnej kombinácii autentických, mnoho-krát orientálnych surovín, pozitívny účinok na naše zdravie a imunitu." Pozýva nás na svoje festivalové menu šéfkuchár Anjan THAMBAWITAGE, ktorý kedysi začínal v ikonickej Camouflage pod vedením Jardu Žídeka.
At Cozy Coza, we bring new and bold fusions of European and Asian flavours to the centre of Bratislava under the baton of our exotic and highly skilled chef Anjan Thambawitage. Here you can indulge in a unique, colourful, powerful and savoury experience of extraordinary food that combines the flavours of extraordinary foreign ingredients, right here in your city, from a world-class chef. Our specialty is authentic curries from different regions that are not only a treat of the moment, but have a positive effect on our health and immunity thanks to the magical combination of authentic, many times oriental ingredients." Chef Anjan THAMBAWITAGE, who once got his start at the iconic Camouflage under the tutelage of Jarda Zidek, invites us to his festival menu.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenAt Cozy Coza, we bring new and bold fusions of European and Asian flavours to the centre of Bratislava under the baton of our exotic and highly skilled chef Anjan Thambawitage. Here you can indulge in a unique, colourful, powerful and savoury experience of extraordinary food that combines the flavours of extraordinary foreign ingredients, right here in your city, from a world-class chef. Our specialty is authentic curries from different regions that are not only a treat of the moment, but have a positive effect on our health and immunity thanks to the magical combination of authentic, many times oriental ingredients." Chef Anjan THAMBAWITAGE, who once got his start at the iconic Camouflage under the tutelage of Jarda Zidek, invites us to his festival menu.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €