Antonstál 811/5
Kaštieľ ANTONSTáL je Ǔčelové zariadenie lesnej pedagogiky a rekreácie a je situovaný v nádhernom a tichom prostredí prírody Bielych Karpát, neďaľeko hraníc s Českou republikou, iba 12km od mesta Nemšová.
Šéfkuchárom tohoto zámočka je známy a veľmi obľúbený šéfkuchár Michal Škorec, ktorý sa pravideľne zúčastňuje ZFJ s reštauráciami, v ktorých varí. Jeho štýl varenia, kde pripravuje pre hostí tradičné slovenské recepty a suroviny v prekvapivých chuťových kombináciách a v modernom šate si našiel veľa priaznivcov už v jeho prvom pôsobisku, v Gašperovom mlyne a neskôr aj v jeho ďalších reštauráciách. Pokračuje v ňom aj tu v Antonstále, kde sa samozrejme viac zameral na divinu. Jeho festivalové menu je toho dôkazom. Samozrejme vie gurmánkam, ktoré divinu až tak nemilujú, hl.chod upraviť podľa vopred dohodnutej požiadavky.
Do Kaštieľa sa dostanete po diaľnici D1, odbočkou na Nemšovú, ďalej údolnou horskou cestou až do parku Kaštiela Antonstal 811/5. Sledovať treba navádzacie tabule - signál tam nefunguje. Je to proste ráj pokoja.
The ANTONSTÁL Manor is the main facility of forest pedagogy and recreation and is situated in the beautiful and quiet environment of the White Carpathian Mountains, not far from the border with the Czech Republic, only 12km from the town of Nemšová. The chef of this chateau is the well-known and very popular chef Michal Škorec, who regularly participates in the ZFJ with the restaurants where he cooks. His style of cooking, where he prepares traditional Slovak recipes and ingredients for guests in surprising flavour combinations and in a modern style, has found many fans already in his first place of business, Gašperův mlýn, and later also in his other restaurants. He continues to do so here at Antonstal, where he has, of course, focused more on game. His festival menu is proof of that. Of course, he is able to adjust the main course according to a pre-arranged request for gourmets who are not so fond of game. The manor can be reached via the D1 motorway, the turn-off to Nemšová, then along the valley mountain road to the park of the Antonstal 811/5 manor. Follow the signposts - the signal does not work there. It is simply a paradise of peace.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
The ANTONSTÁL Manor is the main facility of forest pedagogy and recreation and is situated in the beautiful and quiet environment of the White Carpathian Mountains, not far from the border with the Czech Republic, only 12km from the town of Nemšová. The chef of this chateau is the well-known and very popular chef Michal Škorec, who regularly participates in the ZFJ with the restaurants where he cooks. His style of cooking, where he prepares traditional Slovak recipes and ingredients for guests in surprising flavour combinations and in a modern style, has found many fans already in his first place of business, Gašperův mlýn, and later also in his other restaurants. He continues to do so here at Antonstal, where he has, of course, focused more on game. His festival menu is proof of that. Of course, he is able to adjust the main course according to a pre-arranged request for gourmets who are not so fond of game. The manor can be reached via the D1 motorway, the turn-off to Nemšová, then along the valley mountain road to the park of the Antonstal 811/5 manor. Follow the signposts - the signal does not work there. It is simply a paradise of peace.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €