Tyršovo nábrežie - Loď
Prenádherný panoramatický výhľad na Bratislavu priamo ako z lode sa vám naskytne z elegantného Pontónu, na ktorého hornej palube sa nachádza reštaurácia Bubbles. Tvorbou menu tejto novej reštaurácie sa zhostil kuchár šéf Andrej Turček a vsadil na suroviny a produkty, ktoré majú blízko k vode. Menu je sezónne a veľmi zaujímavé, vždy prevládajú ryby a sem tam aj nejaké tie morské živočíchy. Ale aj fanúškovia pravého mäsa neobídu naprázdno. Nám chutili tuniakové seviche, krevety v Kadaifi ceste a skvelý morský vlk s beluga šošovicou, karfiolom, karotkou a omáčkou z prosecca. Moderne ladený interiér je doplnený o trendový bar s ponukou sviežich drinkov, koktejlov a širokej ponuky prosecca a šumivých vín. Tie si môžete po večeri vychutnať na priestrannej terase, ktorá obklopuje reštauráciu a je pre západy slnka ako stvorená. Bubbles restaurant získal v roku 2024 od bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku ocenenie 1 Zlatá vidlička, ktorá sa každoročne udeľuje TOP reštauráciám Slovenska.
You can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of Bratislava directly from the boat from the elegant Pontoon, on the upper deck of which the Bubbles restaurant is located. Chef Andrej Turček has created the menu of this new restaurant and has relied on ingredients and products that are close to the water. The menu is seasonal and very interesting, with fish always predominating and some seafood here and there. But also fans of real meat will not go without. We enjoyed tuna seviche, prawns in Kadaifi batter and a great sea bass with beluga lentils, cauliflower, carrot and prosecco sauce. The modern interior is complemented by a trendy bar offering fresh drinks, cocktails and a wide range of prosecco and sparkling wines. These can be enjoyed after dinner on the spacious terrace that surrounds the restaurant and is perfect for sunsets. In 2024, Bubbles restaurant was awarded 1 Golden Fork by Gourmet in Slovakia, which is awarded annually to the TOP restaurants in Slovakia.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Verkostung kaufenYou can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of Bratislava directly from the boat from the elegant Pontoon, on the upper deck of which the Bubbles restaurant is located. Chef Andrej Turček has created the menu of this new restaurant and has relied on ingredients and products that are close to the water. The menu is seasonal and very interesting, with fish always predominating and some seafood here and there. But also fans of real meat will not go without. We enjoyed tuna seviche, prawns in Kadaifi batter and a great sea bass with beluga lentils, cauliflower, carrot and prosecco sauce. The modern interior is complemented by a trendy bar offering fresh drinks, cocktails and a wide range of prosecco and sparkling wines. These can be enjoyed after dinner on the spacious terrace that surrounds the restaurant and is perfect for sunsets. In 2024, Bubbles restaurant was awarded 1 Golden Fork by Gourmet in Slovakia, which is awarded annually to the TOP restaurants in Slovakia.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €