Hviezdoslavovo námestie 14
Reštaurácia IASAI FOOD BAR & MORE patrí dlhodobo k lídrom slovenskej gastronómie a je predstaviteľom tradičného japonského spôsobu food barov. Ponúkame jedlá a nápoje pre hostí, ktorí milujú kvalitnú gastronómiu a prostredníctvom nej chceme sprostredkovať unikátny gastronomický zážitok ešte početnejšej klientele.
IASAI FOOD BAR & MORE sa v roku 2021 umiestnil na 1.mieste v rácmi ocenenia udeľovaného bedekrom Gurmán na Slovensku : TÉMATICKÁ REŠTAURÁCIA roka na Slovensku a každým rokom úspešne obháji ocenenie 1 Zlatá vidlička udeľované najlepším reštauráciám Slovenska.
IASAI FOOD BAR & MORE restaurant has long been one of the leaders of Slovak gastronomy and is a representative of the traditional Japanese way of food bars. We offer food and beverages for guests who love quality gastronomy and through it we want to convey a unique gastronomic experience to an even larger clientele. IASAI FOOD BAR & MORE is ranked 1st in the 2021 awards given by the Gourmet in Slovakia : THE TOPICAL RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR in Slovakia and successfully defends the 1 Golden Fork award given to the best restaurants in Slovakia every year.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Verkostung kaufenIASAI FOOD BAR & MORE restaurant has long been one of the leaders of Slovak gastronomy and is a representative of the traditional Japanese way of food bars. We offer food and beverages for guests who love quality gastronomy and through it we want to convey a unique gastronomic experience to an even larger clientele. IASAI FOOD BAR & MORE is ranked 1st in the 2021 awards given by the Gourmet in Slovakia : THE TOPICAL RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR in Slovakia and successfully defends the 1 Golden Fork award given to the best restaurants in Slovakia every year.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €