Štúrová 11
Myšlienka priniesť do nášho mesta kúsok Ázie nás doviedla k otvoreniu Wakizashi sushi baru. Restaurant, ktorý sa nachádza v centre mesta Topoľčany. Celkový dizajn nášho menu sa nesie v myšlienke pestrosti, ľahkosti našich jedál s dôrazom na výber tých najkvalitnejších surovín. Ako jediná sushi reštaurácia v regióne, Vám vieme zabezpečiť nezabudnuteľný gastronomický zážitok so špičkovou ázijskou kuchyňou.
The idea of bringing a little bit of Asia to our city led us to open Wakizashi sushi bar. Restaurant, located in the center of Topolcany. The overall design of our menu is based on the idea of variety, lightness of our dishes with an emphasis on the selection of the highest quality ingredients. As the only sushi restaurant in the region, we can provide you with an unforgettable gastronomic experience with top Asian cuisine.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
The idea of bringing a little bit of Asia to our city led us to open Wakizashi sushi bar. Restaurant, located in the center of Topolcany. The overall design of our menu is based on the idea of variety, lightness of our dishes with an emphasis on the selection of the highest quality ingredients. As the only sushi restaurant in the region, we can provide you with an unforgettable gastronomic experience with top Asian cuisine.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €