Jasová 739
TERRA. Názov našej reštaurácie vystihuje filozofiu vychádzajúcu z produktov dopestovaných na našich poliach, v záhradách, sadoch a viniciach, zvierat odchovaných našimi farmármi. Veríme, že jedlo by malo vystihovať svoj pôvod – pôdu, podnebie, región a ľudí, ktorí ho pestujú, chovajú a pripravujú.
Na našich farmách sami chováme hovädzí dobytok, ovce, ošípané, hydinu a zverinu. Naše polia, sady a záhrady produkujú každoročne plody najvyššej akosti a kvality. Dodávatelia, s ktorými spolupracujeme, sú veľmi zodpovedne vyberaní, aby sme pre vás, našich hostí, zabezpečili tie najvyberanejšie ingrediencie. Budovanie vzťahov s farmármi, pestovateľmi a lokálnymi producentami patrí k našim prioritám.
TERRA, the name of our restaurant describes the philosophy based on the products grown in our fields, gardens, orchards and vineyards, animals raised by our farmers. We believe that food should reflect its origins - the soil, the climate, the region and the people who grow, raise and prepare it. We raise our own cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and game on our farms. Our fields, orchards and gardens produce fruit of the highest quality and quality year after year. The suppliers we work with are very responsibly selected to ensure the finest ingredients for you, our guests. Building relationships with farmers, growers and local producers is one of our priorities.
Cena festivalového menu je 32,- €
Verkostung kaufenTERRA, the name of our restaurant describes the philosophy based on the products grown in our fields, gardens, orchards and vineyards, animals raised by our farmers. We believe that food should reflect its origins - the soil, the climate, the region and the people who grow, raise and prepare it. We raise our own cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and game on our farms. Our fields, orchards and gardens produce fruit of the highest quality and quality year after year. The suppliers we work with are very responsibly selected to ensure the finest ingredients for you, our guests. Building relationships with farmers, growers and local producers is one of our priorities.
Cena festivalového menu je 32,- €