Vinohrady 2155
Reštaurácia SEMILLON - to je útek do sveta sviežich vín a modernej gastronómie v krásnom prostredí ekologického vinárstva Predium. Nechajte sa unášat večerom plným zážitkov spojením jedla a vína v našej reštaurácii Semillon pod vedením šéfkuchára Romana Borovského. Úspešný nováčik ZFJ 2023 získal od bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku v tomto roku aj Zlatú vidličku a zaradilsa tak medzi 20 najlepších reštaurácií Slovenska.
Restaurant SEMILLON - this is an escape into the world of fresh wines and modern gastronomy in the beautiful surroundings of the ecological winery Predium. Let yourself be carried away by an evening full of experiences combining food and wine in our restaurant Semillon under the guidance of chef Roman Borovsky. The successful newcomer of ZFJ 2023 was also awarded the Golden Fork by Gourmet in Slovakia this year, making it one of the 20 best restaurants in Slovakia.
Cena menu: 55,- €
Verkostung kaufenRestaurant SEMILLON - this is an escape into the world of fresh wines and modern gastronomy in the beautiful surroundings of the ecological winery Predium. Let yourself be carried away by an evening full of experiences combining food and wine in our restaurant Semillon under the guidance of chef Roman Borovsky. The successful newcomer of ZFJ 2023 was also awarded the Golden Fork by Gourmet in Slovakia this year, making it one of the 20 best restaurants in Slovakia.
Cena menu: 55,- €