Tatranská Lomnica 53
Vysoké Tatry
www.kuszmannpab.skVysoké Tatry
Pred viac ako 100 rokmi postavil Július Kuszmann z Kežmarku v Tatranskej Lomnici Kuszmannov bazár. Bola to vôbec prvá predajňa v našich veľhorách, ktorá otvorila svoje dvere zákazníkom a okrem rôznych druhov potravín ponúkala aj ďalší užitočný tovar. V našej remeselnej pekárni, ktorá je súčasťou výnimočnej budovy Kuszmannovho bazáru, sme sa zamerali len na pečivo a sladké výrobky. Zaujímavá je aj naša reštaurácia, v ktorej stretnete Habsburgovcov a jedlá z tej doby. Pipravili sme ich v chutnom tradičnom štýle a k ním podávame pivo z nášho remeselného pivovaru PaB zo Svätého Jura.
More than 100 years ago Július Kuszmann from Kežmarok built the Kuszmann's Bazaar in Tatranská Lomnica. It was the first shop in our mountains that opened its doors to customers and offered other useful goods besides various kinds of food. In our artisan bakery, which is part of the exceptional building of the Kuszmann's Bazaar, we focused only on pastries and sweet products. Our restaurant is also interesting, where you will meet the Habsburgs and the dishes from that time. We prepare them in a tasty traditional style and serve beer from our craft brewery PaB from St. George with them.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenMore than 100 years ago Július Kuszmann from Kežmarok built the Kuszmann's Bazaar in Tatranská Lomnica. It was the first shop in our mountains that opened its doors to customers and offered other useful goods besides various kinds of food. In our artisan bakery, which is part of the exceptional building of the Kuszmann's Bazaar, we focused only on pastries and sweet products. Our restaurant is also interesting, where you will meet the Habsburgs and the dishes from that time. We prepare them in a tasty traditional style and serve beer from our craft brewery PaB from St. George with them.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €