Prostredná 13/49
Svätý Jur
www.kastielpalffy.skSvätý Jur
Tradície, nové nápady a nezameniteľná atmosféra. Ingrediencie, ktoré robia z každej návštevy reštaurácie Hostinec Palatín zážitok. Stolujte tam, kde sa radostne hoduje už storočia. Priamo nad starobylými pivnicami, kde dozrievajú aj klenoty Kaštieľa Pálffy – víno VIAJUR a pivo Pálffy Brauerei. Poctivé chute vám učarujú v reštaurácii v Svätom Jure, na mieste, kde sa vône kulinárskych špecialít miešajú s vôňou vína.
Traditions, new ideas and an unmistakable atmosphere. Ingredients that make every visit to the Restaurant Inn Palatín an experience. Dine there, where joyful feasting has been taking place for centuries. Right above the ancient cellars, where the jewels of the Pálffy Manor - VIAJUR wine and Pálffy Brauerei beer - are aged. Honest tastes will enchant you in the restaurant in Svätý Jur, a place where the aromas of culinary delights mingle with the smell of wine.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Traditions, new ideas and an unmistakable atmosphere. Ingredients that make every visit to the Restaurant Inn Palatín an experience. Dine there, where joyful feasting has been taking place for centuries. Right above the ancient cellars, where the jewels of the Pálffy Manor - VIAJUR wine and Pálffy Brauerei beer - are aged. Honest tastes will enchant you in the restaurant in Svätý Jur, a place where the aromas of culinary delights mingle with the smell of wine.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €