Tatranská Lomnica 92
Vysoké Tatry
www.hotellomnica.skVysoké Tatry
Zlákame vás chuťami monarchie obohatenými o lokálnu kulinársku kultúru. Doprajeme vám silný vývar, obľúbený viedenský rezeň alebo iné poctivé jedlá z diviny či rýb. À la carte menu Reštaurácie Sissi je postavené na originálnom koncepte pokrmov. Kuchársky tím pracuje prioritne so sezónnosťou surovín a s geografickým aspektom, pričom sa inšpiruje rôznorodosťou prírody Slovenska. Okrem kulinárskeho umenia Vám v reštaurácii ulahodí i pohľad na originálu tvorbu uhorského maliara Ladislava Medňanského.
Reštaurácia je pravidelne oceňovaná bedekrom Gurmán na Slovensku 1 Zlatou vidličkou.
Úspešný nováčik ZFJ z roka 2024
We will tempt you with the flavours of the monarchy enriched with local culinary culture. We will treat you to a strong broth, the popular Wiener schnitzel or other fair game or fish dishes. The à la carte menu of the Sissi Restaurant is based on an original concept of dishes. The culinary team works primarily with the seasonality of the ingredients and the geographical aspect, taking inspiration from the diversity of the Slovak countryside. In addition to the culinary art, you will also enjoy a look at the original work of Hungarian painter Ladislav Medňanský in the restaurant. The restaurant is regularly awarded with the Gourmet in Slovakia 1 Golden Fork. Successful ZFJ newcomer from 2024
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Verkostung kaufenWe will tempt you with the flavours of the monarchy enriched with local culinary culture. We will treat you to a strong broth, the popular Wiener schnitzel or other fair game or fish dishes. The à la carte menu of the Sissi Restaurant is based on an original concept of dishes. The culinary team works primarily with the seasonality of the ingredients and the geographical aspect, taking inspiration from the diversity of the Slovak countryside. In addition to the culinary art, you will also enjoy a look at the original work of Hungarian painter Ladislav Medňanský in the restaurant. The restaurant is regularly awarded with the Gourmet in Slovakia 1 Golden Fork. Successful ZFJ newcomer from 2024
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €