Kastély tér 6
Platán sa nachádza pri obľúbenej turistickej trase v Tate, v jedinečnom prírodnom prostredí na brehu Starého jazera, medzi hradom Tata a zámkom Esterházy, v tieni rovnomenného 232-ročného platanu. Naša reštaurácia Platán pod vedením Istvána Pestiho získala 2 michelínske hviezdy a je iba jednou z dvoch takto ocenených reštaurácií v Maďarsku. Do Zimného festivalu sme zapojili našu druhú reštauráciu BISTRO Platán / tiež zaradenú do Michelin guide /, z ktorého terasy je malebný výhľad na Staré jazero s horou Vértes v pozadí. BISTRO Platán čaká na našich hostí s jedlom v štýle bistra, pripraveného najlepším kuchárskym tímom v Maďarsku, francúzskymi dezertmi a remeselnou zmrzlinou vlastnej výroby.
Ubytovanie ponúkame v butikových izbách v našich domoch v stredomorskom štýle. Na dostupnosť ubytovania sa prosím v predstihu informujte.
PLATÁN Bistro is located along the popular hiking trail in Tata, in a unique natural setting on the shores of the Old Lake, between Tata Castle and Esterházy Castle, in the shade of the 232-year-old plane tree of the same name. Our Platán restaurant, under the direction of István Pesti, has been awarded 2 Michelin stars and is one of only two such award-winning restaurants in Hungary. We have included our second restaurant BISTRO Platán / also included in the Michelin guide / in the Winter Festival, whose terrace offers a picturesque view of the Old Lake with Mount Vértes in the background. BISTRO Platán awaits our guests with bistro-style food prepared by the best culinary team in Hungary, French desserts and artisanal ice cream of our own making. Accommodation is offered in boutique rooms in our Mediterranean-style houses. Please enquire in advance for availability of accommodation. BISTRO Platán is listed in the Michelin Guide to the World.
BISTRO Platán je zaradené do svetového sprievodcu Michelin.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Verkostung kaufenPLATÁN Bistro is located along the popular hiking trail in Tata, in a unique natural setting on the shores of the Old Lake, between Tata Castle and Esterházy Castle, in the shade of the 232-year-old plane tree of the same name. Our Platán restaurant, under the direction of István Pesti, has been awarded 2 Michelin stars and is one of only two such award-winning restaurants in Hungary. We have included our second restaurant BISTRO Platán / also included in the Michelin guide / in the Winter Festival, whose terrace offers a picturesque view of the Old Lake with Mount Vértes in the background. BISTRO Platán awaits our guests with bistro-style food prepared by the best culinary team in Hungary, French desserts and artisanal ice cream of our own making. Accommodation is offered in boutique rooms in our Mediterranean-style houses. Please enquire in advance for availability of accommodation. BISTRO Platán is listed in the Michelin Guide to the World.
BISTRO Platán je zaradené do svetového sprievodcu Michelin.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €