Trnavská cesta 27
Cloud Restaurant je synonymom modernej fine-diningovej kuchyne a elegancie. Poskytuje ideálne prostredie pre biznis stretnutia a gurmánov, ktorí hľadajú vysokú kvalitu jedál a služieb. S radosťou vás privítame a ponúkneme nezabudnuteľné gastronomické zážitky, kde precíznosť a vášeň pre detail ožívajú pri každom jedle. Počas Zimného festivalu jedla sa môžete tešiť na kačacie krokety s figovým gélom a kapustovým pyré, topinamburový krém so zaúdeným sumcom a mäsovú terinu s cviklovou espumou.
Cloud Restaurant is synonymous with modern fine-dining cuisine and elegance. It provides an ideal setting for business meetings and gourmets seeking high-quality dishes and services. We are delighted to welcome you and offer unforgettable gastronomic experiences, where precision and passion for detail come alive with every meal. During the Winter Food Festival, you can look forward to duck croquettes with fig gel and cabbage purée, Jerusalem artichoke cream with smoked catfish, and meat terrine with beetroot espuma. Úspešný nováčik ZFJ 2024.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenCloud Restaurant is synonymous with modern fine-dining cuisine and elegance. It provides an ideal setting for business meetings and gourmets seeking high-quality dishes and services. We are delighted to welcome you and offer unforgettable gastronomic experiences, where precision and passion for detail come alive with every meal. During the Winter Food Festival, you can look forward to duck croquettes with fig gel and cabbage purée, Jerusalem artichoke cream with smoked catfish, and meat terrine with beetroot espuma. Úspešný nováčik ZFJ 2024.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €