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Kto je Matej Bakoš?
Jeden z najmladších šéfkuchárov v Košiciach, ktorý nedávno otvoril svoje prvé autorské bistro.
Jedinečné zručnosti zdokonalil v najlepších hoteloch v Košiciach, vo Vysokých Tatrách, či v zahraničí.
Matejova kuchyňa sa opiera o kvalitné suroviny, prevažne od lokálnych slovenských výrobcov, z ktorých dokáže vytvoriť explóziu chutí. Nezvyčajné kombinácie, ktoré by človeku bežne nenapadli.
Možnosť ochutnať túto jedinečnú kuchyňu mala už aj prezidentka Slovenskej republiky Zuzana Čaputová, spolu s jej tímom, pre ktorých Matej pripravil a servíroval chutný obed.
Spojiť slovenské tradičné jedlá s tými svetovými, či modernými variantmi, s cieľom vytvoriť zdravé, ľahké jedlo. Pretvoriť jedlá z menu, na verziu pre ľudí s intoleranciami, či iným životným štýlom pre neho nie je prekážkou. Preto je v bistre, ktoré hrdo nesie jeho meno vítaný každý, kto chce odchádzať s gastro zážitkom, na ktorý len tak ľahko nezabudne.
Bedeker Gurmán na Slovensku Mateja Bakoša vyhlásil za "Objav roka 2024".
Toto košické bistro bolo úspešným nováčikom ZFJ 2024.
Who is Matej Bakoš? One of the youngest chefs in Košice, who recently opened his first original bistro. He has honed his unique skills in the best hotels in Košice, in the High Tatras and abroad. Matej's cuisine relies on quality ingredients, mostly from local Slovak producers, from which he can create an explosion of flavours. Unusual combinations that one would not normally think of. The President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová, together with her team, had the opportunity to taste this unique cuisine, for whom Matej prepared and served a delicious lunch. To combine Slovak traditional dishes with world or modern variants, in order to create a healthy, light meal. Transforming dishes from the menu, to a version for people with intolerances or other lifestyle is not an obstacle for him. That's why anyone who wants to leave with a dining experience they won't easily forget is welcome at the bistro that proudly bears his name. Bedeker Gourmet in Slovakia named Matej Bakoš "Discovery of the Year 2024". This Košice bistro was a successful newcomer to ZFJ 2024.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenBedeker Gurmán na Slovensku Mateja Bakoša vyhlásil za "Objav roka 2024".
Toto košické bistro bolo úspešným nováčikom ZFJ 2024.
Who is Matej Bakoš? One of the youngest chefs in Košice, who recently opened his first original bistro. He has honed his unique skills in the best hotels in Košice, in the High Tatras and abroad. Matej's cuisine relies on quality ingredients, mostly from local Slovak producers, from which he can create an explosion of flavours. Unusual combinations that one would not normally think of. The President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová, together with her team, had the opportunity to taste this unique cuisine, for whom Matej prepared and served a delicious lunch. To combine Slovak traditional dishes with world or modern variants, in order to create a healthy, light meal. Transforming dishes from the menu, to a version for people with intolerances or other lifestyle is not an obstacle for him. That's why anyone who wants to leave with a dining experience they won't easily forget is welcome at the bistro that proudly bears his name. Bedeker Gourmet in Slovakia named Matej Bakoš "Discovery of the Year 2024". This Košice bistro was a successful newcomer to ZFJ 2024.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €