Lesná 2
Kaštieľ Palárikovo patrí pod štátny podnik Lesy SR OZ Podunajsko Levice.
Kaštieľ je výnimočný svojou rozlohou, polohou, krásnymi priestormi, štýlovými izbami a parkom, ktorý susedí so známou bažantnicou. Kaštieľ sa rozhodol ponúknuť aj svoje gastronomické služby a prezentovať tak svoju reštauráciu hosťom Zimného festivalu jedla ako Nováčik 2025.
The Palárikovo Manor belongs to the state enterprise Lesy SR OZ Podunajsko Levice. The manor is exceptional for its size, location, beautiful premises, stylish rooms and park, which is adjacent to the famous pheasant farm. The manor house has also decided to offer its gastronomic services and present its restaurant to the guests of the Winter Food Festival as the 2025 Newcomer.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €
Verkostung kaufenThe Palárikovo Manor belongs to the state enterprise Lesy SR OZ Podunajsko Levice. The manor is exceptional for its size, location, beautiful premises, stylish rooms and park, which is adjacent to the famous pheasant farm. The manor house has also decided to offer its gastronomic services and present its restaurant to the guests of the Winter Food Festival as the 2025 Newcomer.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €