Pribylina 1486
POETREE´S restaurant – nová zážitková reštaurácia v Grand hoteli Permon**** spája eleganciu modernej gastronómie s krásou okolitej prírody.
Na úpätí malebného Kriváňa sme vytvorili miesto, kde sa snúbi vášeň pre jedlo a úcta k tradíciám.
Naša filozofia je poetická. Čerpať inšpiráciu zo slovenskej prírody a moderných kulinárskych trendov a preniesť ju na tanier v podobe nezabudnuteľného zážitku.
Každé jedlo, ktoré podávame, je pripravené z najčerstvejších lokálnych surovín, pričom najvyššiu kvalitu garantujeme aj vďaka používaniu bravčového a hovädzieho mäsa z vlastného chovu.
Udržateľnosť, sezónnosť a moderné techniky prípravy a servírovania – to všetko vystihuje POETREE´S restaurant.
V rámci Zimného festivalu jedla sme si pre Vás pripravili zážitkové trojchodové menu, ktoré si môžete vychutnávať už od momentu jeho prípravy vďaka konceptu otvorenej kuchyne
Nováčik ZFJ 2025.
POETREE'S restaurant - a new experiential restaurant in the Grand Hotel Permon**** combines the elegance of modern gastronomy with the beauty of the surrounding nature. At the foot of the picturesque Kriváň, we have created a place where passion for food and respect for traditions come together. Our philosophy is poetic. To draw inspiration from Slovak nature and modern culinary trends and to bring it to the plate in the form of an unforgettable experience. Every dish we serve is prepared with the freshest local ingredients, and we guarantee the highest quality by using pork and beef from our own breeding. Sustainability, seasonality and modern preparation and serving techniques all characterise POETREE'S restaurant. As part of the Winter Food Festival, we have prepared an experiential three-course menu that you can enjoy from the moment it is prepared, thanks to the open kitchen concept of the Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenPOETREE'S restaurant - a new experiential restaurant in the Grand Hotel Permon**** combines the elegance of modern gastronomy with the beauty of the surrounding nature. At the foot of the picturesque Kriváň, we have created a place where passion for food and respect for traditions come together. Our philosophy is poetic. To draw inspiration from Slovak nature and modern culinary trends and to bring it to the plate in the form of an unforgettable experience. Every dish we serve is prepared with the freshest local ingredients, and we guarantee the highest quality by using pork and beef from our own breeding. Sustainability, seasonality and modern preparation and serving techniques all characterise POETREE'S restaurant. As part of the Winter Food Festival, we have prepared an experiential three-course menu that you can enjoy from the moment it is prepared, thanks to the open kitchen concept of the Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €