Pribinova 16
Spájame tradičnú kvalitu plzeňského piva s modernou kuchyňou v krásnom novom prostredí! Dbáme na kvalitu surovín, čistotu a profesionálny a priateľský servis, pretože u nás je zákazník vždy na prvom mieste. Presvedčte sa o tom sami. Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu!
Nováčik ZFJ 2025.
We combine the traditional quality of Pilsner beer with modern cuisine in a beautiful new environment! We care about the quality of ingredients, cleanliness and professional and friendly service, because the customer always comes first. See for yourself. We look forward to your visit!
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Verkostung kaufenNováčik ZFJ 2025.
We combine the traditional quality of Pilsner beer with modern cuisine in a beautiful new environment! We care about the quality of ingredients, cleanliness and professional and friendly service, because the customer always comes first. See for yourself. We look forward to your visit!
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €