Dolná 108
V rezidenčnej časti pôvabného vinárskeho mesta Modra sa v budove zrekonštruovaného vodného mlynu z 16. storočia nachádza Reštaurácia Mlyn 108. Bijúce srdce mlynu sa v súčasnosti presunulo do kuchyne, kde sú dvere vždy otvorené a každý môže vojsť a pozorovať kuchárov pri práci. Všetky jedlá sú pripravené z čerstvých surovín a jedálny lístok je prispôsobovaný surovinám, ktoré do reštaurácie dodávajú najmä lokálni farmári, rybári, mäsiari a výrobcovia syrov. V jedlách ochutnáte sezónne pochúťky nazbierané a vypestované v okolí Modry – medvedí cesnak, čerstvé smrčky, šípky, bazu, hrozno či rôzne hríby. Z vlastnej bylinkovej záhradky bazalku, levanduľu, mätu, majorán a pažítku. Chuť jedál dotvárajú vína od malých lokálnych vinárov z Modry a okolia ako aj zahraničné ikonické vína. Nechajte sa vtiahnuť do sveta čarovných vôní a chutí plného vášne a lásky ku gastronómii.
Reštaurácia bola v roku 2020 ocenená 2. Zlatou vidličkou reštauračným bedekrom Gurmán na Slovensku!Zaradila sa tak medzi TOP 10 slovenskej gastronómie.
In the residential part of the charming wine town of Modra, the Mill 108 Restaurant is located in the building of a renovated 16th century water mill. The beating heart of the mill has now moved into the kitchen, where the door is always open and anyone can walk in and watch the chefs at work. All meals are made with fresh ingredients and the menu is tailored to the ingredients supplied to the restaurant, mainly by local farmers, fishermen, butchers and cheese makers. In the dishes you will taste seasonal delicacies picked and grown in the surroundings of Modra - bear garlic, fresh spruce, rosehips, elderberries, grapes or various mushrooms. From our own herb garden basil, lavender, mint, marjoram and chives. The taste of the dishes is complemented by wines from small local winemakers from Modra and the surrounding area as well as foreign iconic wines. Let yourself be drawn into a world of magical aromas and flavours full of passion and love for gastronomy. The restaurant was awarded 2. It was ranked among the TOP 10 of Slovak gastronomy.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Reštaurácia bola v roku 2020 ocenená 2. Zlatou vidličkou reštauračným bedekrom Gurmán na Slovensku!Zaradila sa tak medzi TOP 10 slovenskej gastronómie.
In the residential part of the charming wine town of Modra, the Mill 108 Restaurant is located in the building of a renovated 16th century water mill. The beating heart of the mill has now moved into the kitchen, where the door is always open and anyone can walk in and watch the chefs at work. All meals are made with fresh ingredients and the menu is tailored to the ingredients supplied to the restaurant, mainly by local farmers, fishermen, butchers and cheese makers. In the dishes you will taste seasonal delicacies picked and grown in the surroundings of Modra - bear garlic, fresh spruce, rosehips, elderberries, grapes or various mushrooms. From our own herb garden basil, lavender, mint, marjoram and chives. The taste of the dishes is complemented by wines from small local winemakers from Modra and the surrounding area as well as foreign iconic wines. Let yourself be drawn into a world of magical aromas and flavours full of passion and love for gastronomy. The restaurant was awarded 2. It was ranked among the TOP 10 of Slovak gastronomy.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €