Most SNP
Reštaurácia UFO, vyhlásená za reštauráciu roka 2019 a 2020, je súčasťou Vyhliadkovej veže UFO watch.taste.groove. a je situovaná priamo nad Mostom SNP. Zážitková kuchyňa je podmanivým spojením stredomorských a ázijských kulinárských techník. Skladba menu ponúka originálne kulinárske špeciality, pokrmy pripravené s fantáziou a citom pre harmóniu chutí. Osobitnou harmóniou ladenia si UFO watch.taste.groove. vytvorilo vlastnú, kúzelnú charizmu.
Reštaurácia dostala v roku 2020 ako vôbec iba druhá reštaurácia na Slovensku 3 Zlaté vidličky, zároveň sa stala najlepšou Prémiovou reštauráciou Slovenska podľa bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku!
Jej šéfkuchár Jozef Masarovič bol vyhlásený Kuchárom roka 2020 tým istým bedekrom!
V roku 2024 UFO opäť obhájilo najvyššie možné ocenenie 3 Zlaté vidličky.
The UFO Restaurant, named Restaurant of the Year 2019 and 2020, is part of the UFO watch.taste.groove observation tower. and is situated directly above the SNP Bridge. The experiential cuisine is a captivating fusion of Mediterranean and Asian culinary techniques. The menu composition offers original culinary specialties, dishes prepared with imagination and a flair for the harmony of flavours. The special harmony of tuning your UFO watch.taste.groove. has created its own, magical charisma. In 2020, the restaurant was awarded 3 Golden Forks as only the second restaurant in Slovakia to ever receive this award, and it also became the best Premium Restaurant in Slovakia according to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet! Its chef Jozef Masarovič was named Chef of the Year 2020 by the same booklet! In 2024 UFO again defended the highest possible award of 3 Golden Forks.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuThe UFO Restaurant, named Restaurant of the Year 2019 and 2020, is part of the UFO watch.taste.groove observation tower. and is situated directly above the SNP Bridge. The experiential cuisine is a captivating fusion of Mediterranean and Asian culinary techniques. The menu composition offers original culinary specialties, dishes prepared with imagination and a flair for the harmony of flavours. The special harmony of tuning your UFO watch.taste.groove. has created its own, magical charisma. In 2020, the restaurant was awarded 3 Golden Forks as only the second restaurant in Slovakia to ever receive this award, and it also became the best Premium Restaurant in Slovakia according to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet! Its chef Jozef Masarovič was named Chef of the Year 2020 by the same booklet! In 2024 UFO again defended the highest possible award of 3 Golden Forks.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €