Tyršovo nábrežie
Reštaurácia Au Café situovaná v tichom prostredí petržalského parku na dunajskom nábreží vám ponúka modernú taliansku kuchyňu pod vedením Executive Chefa Mária Žužiča. Veľký dôraz kladieme aj na prácu s vínom, v našej vínotéke v Au Café nájdete aj exkluzívne ročníky vín z oblasti Bordeaux. Moderne zariadený interiér vytvorí dôstojnú kulisu vašim obchodným rokovaniam a spríjemní chvíle na posedenie s priateľmi. Teší sa na Vás príjemný personál.
Reštaurácia patrí medzi najlepšie reštaurácie Slovenska podľa bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku a dostala od neho za rok 2022 1 Zlatú vidličku.
Situated in the quiet surroundings of Petržalka Park on the Danube embankment, Au Café restaurant offers modern Italian cuisine under the guidance of Executive Chef Mario Žužič. We also place great emphasis on working with wine, in our wine cellar at Au Café you will find exclusive vintages of wines from the Bordeaux region. The modern interior will create a dignified backdrop for your business meetings and make the moments spent with friends more enjoyable. The friendly staff looks forward to welcoming you. The restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Slovakia according to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet and received 1 Golden Fork for 2022.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuSituated in the quiet surroundings of Petržalka Park on the Danube embankment, Au Café restaurant offers modern Italian cuisine under the guidance of Executive Chef Mario Žužič. We also place great emphasis on working with wine, in our wine cellar at Au Café you will find exclusive vintages of wines from the Bordeaux region. The modern interior will create a dignified backdrop for your business meetings and make the moments spent with friends more enjoyable. The friendly staff looks forward to welcoming you. The restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Slovakia according to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet and received 1 Golden Fork for 2022.
Cena menu ZFJ: 55,- €