Hlavná 140
Želáme si, aby návšteva reštaurácia Belene, ktorá sa nachádza neďaleko Žiliny, bola pre našich hostí skutočným kulinárskym zážitkom. Poznávacím znamením sú chutné špeciality slovenskej aj medzinárodnej kuchyne podávané v príjemnom prostredí s výhľadom do nádvoria kaštieľ a do parku. K chutnému jedlu a výnimočnému prostrediu patrí samozrejme profesionálna obsluha, ktorá vás obslúži aj na terase. Názov reštaurácie pochádza z prvého zachovaného názvu poddanskej obce Gbeľany Villa Belene z roku 1434.
V roku 2019 bolo menu reštaurácie Belene vyhodnotené hosťami ZFJ ako ako menu patriace medzi tri najzaujímavejšie v rámci festivalu a reštaurácia sa, aj vďaka svojmu vynikajúcemu šéfkuchárovi, Richardu Svrčekovi, pravidelne zaraďuje medzi najlepšie v Žilinskom kraji podľa bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku.
We wish that a visit to the Belene restaurant, located near Žilina, will be a real culinary experience for our guests. Tasty specialties of Slovak and international cuisine served in a pleasant environment overlooking the courtyard of the manor house and the park are the hallmark. The delicious food and the exceptional surroundings are of course complemented by the professional service, which will also serve you on the terrace. The name of the restaurant comes from the first preserved name of the Gbeľany manor village, Villa Belene, dating back to 1434. In 2019, the Belene restaurant's menu was evaluated by ZFJ guests as one of the three most interesting menus at the festival and, thanks to its excellent chef, Richard Svrček, the restaurant is regularly ranked among the best in the Žilina region by the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuWe wish that a visit to the Belene restaurant, located near Žilina, will be a real culinary experience for our guests. Tasty specialties of Slovak and international cuisine served in a pleasant environment overlooking the courtyard of the manor house and the park are the hallmark. The delicious food and the exceptional surroundings are of course complemented by the professional service, which will also serve you on the terrace. The name of the restaurant comes from the first preserved name of the Gbeľany manor village, Villa Belene, dating back to 1434. In 2019, the Belene restaurant's menu was evaluated by ZFJ guests as one of the three most interesting menus at the festival and, thanks to its excellent chef, Richard Svrček, the restaurant is regularly ranked among the best in the Žilina region by the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €