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Objavte nové zážitky z jedla v SushiYA food atelieri v Rovinke neďaleko Bratislavy. Berieme tanier ako plátno. Prepojenie európskej a ázijskej kuchyne je to, čo môžete čakať, keď sa rozhodnete prísť ochutnať nový zážitok z jedla do nášho food atelieru.
Discover new food experiences at SushiYA food atelier in Rovinj near Bratislava. We take the plate as a canvas. The fusion of European and Asian cuisine is what you can expect when you decide to come and taste a new food experience in our food atelier.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuDiscover new food experiences at SushiYA food atelier in Rovinj near Bratislava. We take the plate as a canvas. The fusion of European and Asian cuisine is what you can expect when you decide to come and taste a new food experience in our food atelier.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €