Zámocká ul. 7
Zámocký hotel Galicia Nueva, v preklade Nová Halič, nájdete na juhu stredného Slovenska, 8 kilometrov severne od mesta Lučenec, kúsok od štátnej hranice s Maďarskou republikou. Svoje služby poskytuje od júna 2016, keď mali prví hostia možnosť navštíviť vynovenú pamiatku a využiť gastronomické služby zámockej reštaurácie Rosalia, ktorú úspešne vedie už siedmy rok poľský šéfkuchár Artur Parol. Tradície receptov sú doplnené o moderné kulinárske umenie, ktoré podčiarkuje dokonalú historickú atmosféru a zaručuje svojim hosťom gastronomický zážitok.
The Galicia Nueva Castle Hotel, translated as Nová Halič, is located in south-central Slovakia, 8 kilometres north of the town of Lučenec, a short distance from the border with Hungary. It has been providing its services since June 2016, when the first guests had the opportunity to visit the newly renovated monument and take advantage of the gastronomic services of the castle's restaurant Rosalia, which has been successfully run for the seventh year by Polish chef Artur Parol. Traditions of recipes are complemented by modern culinary art, which underlines the perfect historical atmosphere and guarantees its guests a gastronomic experience.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuThe Galicia Nueva Castle Hotel, translated as Nová Halič, is located in south-central Slovakia, 8 kilometres north of the town of Lučenec, a short distance from the border with Hungary. It has been providing its services since June 2016, when the first guests had the opportunity to visit the newly renovated monument and take advantage of the gastronomic services of the castle's restaurant Rosalia, which has been successfully run for the seventh year by Polish chef Artur Parol. Traditions of recipes are complemented by modern culinary art, which underlines the perfect historical atmosphere and guarantees its guests a gastronomic experience.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €