Gen. M.R. Štefánika 2
Prečo si vybrať Hotel Elizabeth v Trenčíne? Vychutnáte si unikátnu atmosféru historického hotela, ktorý sa nachádza v srdci mesta priamo pod stredovekým trenčianskym hradom. Luxusné ubytovanie dopĺňa výnimočná reštaurácia, kaviareň, wellness centrum s hydro-masážnym bazénom, štyrmi druhmi sáun a príjemnou oddychovou zónou, konferenčné centrum a mnoho iného. Z letnej terasy môžete na hradnej skale obdivovať unikátny, takmer 2000 rokov starý rímsky nápis. Okrem biznis mítingov a školení je hotel veľmi obľúbeným miestom na usporiadanie luxusnej svadby.
Why choose Hotel Elizabeth in Trencin? You will enjoy the unique atmosphere of the historic hotel, located in the heart of the city directly under the medieval Trenčín castle. The luxurious accommodation is complemented by an exceptional restaurant, a café, a wellness centre with a hydro-massage pool, four types of saunas and a pleasant relaxation area, a conference centre and much more. From the summer terrace you can admire the unique, almost 2000-year-old Roman inscription on the castle rock. Apart from business meetings and trainings, the hotel is a very popular place to hold a luxury wedding.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuWhy choose Hotel Elizabeth in Trencin? You will enjoy the unique atmosphere of the historic hotel, located in the heart of the city directly under the medieval Trenčín castle. The luxurious accommodation is complemented by an exceptional restaurant, a café, a wellness centre with a hydro-massage pool, four types of saunas and a pleasant relaxation area, a conference centre and much more. From the summer terrace you can admire the unique, almost 2000-year-old Roman inscription on the castle rock. Apart from business meetings and trainings, the hotel is a very popular place to hold a luxury wedding.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €