Martina Rázusa 13
Filozofia Originu je založená na jednoduchosti, čerstvosti a kvalite. Naša kuchyňa je miestom dynamickej a vášnivej práce, kde spájame tradičné a moderné techniky, a ktorej alfou a omegou je “zero waste cooking”, čiže žiadny odpad z jedla. Hlavné suroviny nášho menu sú sezónne a najmä od miestnych a slovenských dodávateľov. Avšak nezabúdame ani na netradičné ingrediencie, ktoré v kombinácii s tými slovenskými dodávajú jedlu vytúženú harmóniu a pestrosť chuti.
Naším cieľom je, aby hostia získali zážitok z jedla v príjemnom a pokojnom prostredí a odchádzali s úsmevom na tvári.
Bedeker Gurmán na Slovensku vyhlásil šéfkuchára a majiteľa Lukáša Heusera za " Objav roka 2024"
Menu ZFJ budeme pre našich hostí ponúkať na našom Chef's Table, kde vieme usadiť 2 až 4 hostí a ukázať im celý priebeh od tvorby až po aranžovanie našich chodov, ktoré vám odprezentuje sám šéfkuchár.
Úspešný nováčik ZFJ z roku 2024.
Origin's philosophy is based on simplicity, freshness and quality. Our kitchen is a place of dynamic and passionate work, where we combine traditional and modern techniques, and whose alpha and omega is "zero waste cooking", i.e. no food waste. The main ingredients of our menu are seasonal and mainly from local and Slovak suppliers. However, we do not forget about non-traditional ingredients, which in combination with Slovak ones give the food the desired harmony and variety of taste. Our goal is to make sure that our guests enjoy their meal in a pleasant and peaceful environment and leave with a smile on their face. Bedeker Gourmet in Slovakia has named chef and owner Lukas Heuser as "Discovery of the Year 2024" We will offer the ZFJ menu to our guests at our Chef's Table, where we can seat 2 to 4 guests and show them the entire process from creation to arrangement of our courses, which will be presented by the chef himself. A successful newcomer to ZFJ from 2024.
UPOZORNENIE: Druhá degustačná večera sa nepodáva o 19:30 ale až o 20:00!!!
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuOrigin's philosophy is based on simplicity, freshness and quality. Our kitchen is a place of dynamic and passionate work, where we combine traditional and modern techniques, and whose alpha and omega is "zero waste cooking", i.e. no food waste. The main ingredients of our menu are seasonal and mainly from local and Slovak suppliers. However, we do not forget about non-traditional ingredients, which in combination with Slovak ones give the food the desired harmony and variety of taste. Our goal is to make sure that our guests enjoy their meal in a pleasant and peaceful environment and leave with a smile on their face. Bedeker Gourmet in Slovakia has named chef and owner Lukas Heuser as "Discovery of the Year 2024" We will offer the ZFJ menu to our guests at our Chef's Table, where we can seat 2 to 4 guests and show them the entire process from creation to arrangement of our courses, which will be presented by the chef himself. A successful newcomer to ZFJ from 2024.
UPOZORNENIE: Druhá degustačná večera sa nepodáva o 19:30 ale až o 20:00!!!
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €