Zichyho nám. 250/2
Reštaurácia Klára sa nachádza v srdci novo-zrekonštruovaného historického kaštieľa, kde premieňame kvalitné suroviny na nezabudnuteľné gastronomické zážitky. Naša filozofia stavia na čerstvosti a podpore lokálnych farmárov a pestovateľov výhradne zo Slovenska. Dôraz kladieme aj na sezónnosť – naše tematické a sezónne menu sú inšpirované tým najlepším, čo aktuálne príroda ponúka. Pri príprave jedál tak využívame suroviny, ktoré sú práve v sezóne, aby sme hosťom priniesli nielen čerstvosť, ale aj autentické chute. Pod vedením talentovaného šéfkuchára Petra Bracha staviame na precíznej príprave a citlivom prístupe k tradičným receptom, ktoré obohacujeme o moderné techniky prípravy a servírovania. Každý tanier, ktorý opustí našu kuchyňu, je nielen kulinárskym zážitkom, ale aj malým umeleckým dielom. Sme hrdí na to, že u nás spájame prvotriedne suroviny, kreatívne prevedenie a jedinečnú atmosféru historického kaštieľa. Reštaurácia Klára je miestom, kde sa chuť stretáva s tradíciou, inováciou a rešpektom k lokálnym zdrojom.
Klára Restaurant is located in the heart of a newly renovated historic manor house, where we transform quality ingredients into unforgettable gastronomic experiences. Our philosophy is based on freshness and supporting local farmers and growers exclusively from Slovakia. We also focus on seasonality - our themed and seasonal menus are inspired by the best that nature currently has to offer. We use ingredients that are in season when preparing our dishes to bring guests not only freshness, but also authentic flavours. Under the guidance of talented chef Peter Brach, we build on precise preparation and a sensitive approach to traditional recipes, which we enrich with modern preparation and serving techniques. Every plate that leaves our kitchen is not only a culinary experience, but also a small work of art. We pride ourselves on combining premium ingredients, creative execution and the unique atmosphere of a historic manor house. Klára Restaurant is a place where taste meets tradition, innovation and respect for local resources. NEWCOMER ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuNOVÁČIK ZFJ 2025.
Klára Restaurant is located in the heart of a newly renovated historic manor house, where we transform quality ingredients into unforgettable gastronomic experiences. Our philosophy is based on freshness and supporting local farmers and growers exclusively from Slovakia. We also focus on seasonality - our themed and seasonal menus are inspired by the best that nature currently has to offer. We use ingredients that are in season when preparing our dishes to bring guests not only freshness, but also authentic flavours. Under the guidance of talented chef Peter Brach, we build on precise preparation and a sensitive approach to traditional recipes, which we enrich with modern preparation and serving techniques. Every plate that leaves our kitchen is not only a culinary experience, but also a small work of art. We pride ourselves on combining premium ingredients, creative execution and the unique atmosphere of a historic manor house. Klára Restaurant is a place where taste meets tradition, innovation and respect for local resources. NEWCOMER ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €