Hrebienok Rezort II
Starý Smokovec
www.slowenska.skStarý Smokovec
Užite si rýdzo slovenské a prudko jedlé lahôdky v príjemnom tatranskom prostredí. Slowenská reštaurácia v Starom Smokovci vás zláka nielen štýlovým interiérom inšpirovaným prácou architekta Tatier - Gedeona Majunkeho, ale predovšetkým lákavou kuchyňou.
U nás si vychutnáte ryby z Novej Lesnej, bravčové z Tvarožnej, hovädzie z Važca, mäsové výrobky z Hranovnice, bryndzu a syry z Východnej. Všetky suroviny na našich tanieroch i nápoje v pohároch majú domáci pôvod. V našej kuchyni nepoznáme polotovary, pretože máme talent na domáce pirohy, šúľance i voňavý chlieb.
Podľa bedekra Gurmán na Slovensku sa reštaurácia SLOWENSKÁ opakovane zaraďuje medzi najlepšie reštaurácie Slovenska.
Nováčik ZFJ 2025
Enjoy purely Slovak and sharply edible delicacies in a pleasant Tatra environment. Slowenská restaurant in Stary Smokovec will tempt you not only with its stylish interior inspired by the work of the architect of the Tatras - Gedeon Majunke, but above all with its tempting cuisine. Here you can enjoy fish from Nová Lesná, pork from Tvarožná, beef from Važec, meat products from Hranovnice, bryndza and cheese from Východná. All the ingredients on our plates and drinks in our glasses are of local origin. In our kitchen we do not know semi-finished products, because we have a talent for homemade pierogi, shulan and fragrant bread. According to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet, restaurant SLOWENSKÁ is repeatedly ranked among the best restaurants in Slovakia. Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuEnjoy purely Slovak and sharply edible delicacies in a pleasant Tatra environment. Slowenská restaurant in Stary Smokovec will tempt you not only with its stylish interior inspired by the work of the architect of the Tatras - Gedeon Majunke, but above all with its tempting cuisine. Here you can enjoy fish from Nová Lesná, pork from Tvarožná, beef from Važec, meat products from Hranovnice, bryndza and cheese from Východná. All the ingredients on our plates and drinks in our glasses are of local origin. In our kitchen we do not know semi-finished products, because we have a talent for homemade pierogi, shulan and fragrant bread. According to the Gourmet in Slovakia booklet, restaurant SLOWENSKÁ is repeatedly ranked among the best restaurants in Slovakia. Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €