Pri Celulózke 3494
Srdečne vás pozývame na nezabudnuteľný zážitok v našom historickom hoteli, ktorý vás okúzli svojou atmosférou a šarmom.
Príďte si oddýchnuť a vychutnať jedinečné spojenie histórie a luxusu, kde sa postaráme o váš maximálny komfort.
Čo vás čaká špeciálna degustačná večera, kde si pod vedením šéfkuchára vychutnáte lahodné chody pripravené z čerstvých a miestnych surovín. Každý chod je skutočným kulinárskym zážitkom!
Nováčik ZFJ 2025
We cordially invite you to an unforgettable experience in our historic hotel, which will enchant you with its atmosphere and charm. Come and relax and enjoy a unique blend of history and luxury, where we will take care of your maximum comfort. What awaits you is a special tasting dinner, where you will enjoy delicious dishes prepared with fresh and local ingredients under the guidance of the chef. Each course is a real culinary experience! Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuWe cordially invite you to an unforgettable experience in our historic hotel, which will enchant you with its atmosphere and charm. Come and relax and enjoy a unique blend of history and luxury, where we will take care of your maximum comfort. What awaits you is a special tasting dinner, where you will enjoy delicious dishes prepared with fresh and local ingredients under the guidance of the chef. Each course is a real culinary experience! Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €