Mestský park 7
Prémiová reštaurácia a tradičná kaviareň umiestnená v priestoroch Národnej kultúrnej pamiatky, ktorá snúbi nádheru historickej dominanty rezortu VILLA SANDY s jedinečnými gurmánskymi zážitkami. Degustujte v reštaurácii Novú kuchyňu Slovenska, ktorá spája tradície s medzinárodnými kulinárskymi inováciami. Tradičné chute v špeciálnom 3 chodovom DEGUSTAČNOM MENU pripravenom pri príležitosti Zimného festivalu jedla, Vám prináša dokonalú príležitosť nechať sa uniesť nádhernou atmosférou priestorov reštaurácie a kulinárskeho zážitku. Zažite gastronomické predstavenie, pod taktovkou známeho majstra šéfkuchára Jozefa Hromjáka, ktoré v regióne nemá obdobu.
Nováčik ZFJ 2025.
A premium restaurant and traditional café located in a National Cultural Monument, combining the splendour of the historical landmark of the VILLA SANDY resort with unique gourmet experiences. Taste the New Slovak Cuisine in the restaurant, which combines tradition with international culinary innovations. Traditional tastes in a special 3-course DEGUSTATION MENU prepared on the occasion of the Winter Food Festival, brings you the perfect opportunity to be carried away by the wonderful atmosphere of the restaurant premises and the culinary experience. Experience a gastronomic spectacle, under the baton of the famous master chef Jozef Hromják, which is unparalleled in the region. Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €
A premium restaurant and traditional café located in a National Cultural Monument, combining the splendour of the historical landmark of the VILLA SANDY resort with unique gourmet experiences. Taste the New Slovak Cuisine in the restaurant, which combines tradition with international culinary innovations. Traditional tastes in a special 3-course DEGUSTATION MENU prepared on the occasion of the Winter Food Festival, brings you the perfect opportunity to be carried away by the wonderful atmosphere of the restaurant premises and the culinary experience. Experience a gastronomic spectacle, under the baton of the famous master chef Jozef Hromják, which is unparalleled in the region. Newcomer ZFJ 2025.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35,- €