Štiavnické Bane
Boutique Hotel Siglisberg**** sa nachádza neďaleko Banskej Štiavnice. Jeho zákutia očaria milovníkov romantiky a rodinám s deťmi, či zástancom aktívneho oddychu zas ulahodí rôznorodosť okolitej prírody i hotelové wellness centrum. Netradične riešená hotelová záhrada s terasami a romantickým jazierkom je priam dokonalým svadobným miestom. Neformálne prostredie čitárne je skvelé pre firemné stretnutia. Možnosti bezprostredného okolia navyše poskytujú podmienky pre nezabudnuteľný a originálny teambuilding.
Kvalitná gastronómia je samozrejmosťou a náš tím kuchárov si pre vás pripravil zaujímavé a chutné festivalové menu.
Nováčik ZFJ 2025
Boutique Hotel Siglisberg**** is located near Banská Štiavnica. Its nooks and crannies will enchant lovers of romance, and families with children or those who prefer active relaxation will enjoy the diversity of the surrounding nature and the hotel's wellness centre. The unconventionally designed hotel garden with terraces and a romantic lake is the perfect wedding venue. The informal setting of the reading room is great for business meetings. In addition, the possibilities of the immediate surroundings provide the conditions for unforgettable and original teambuilding. High-quality gastronomy is a matter of course and our team of chefs has prepared an interesting and tasty festival menu.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €
Kúpiť degustáciuNováčik ZFJ 2025
Boutique Hotel Siglisberg**** is located near Banská Štiavnica. Its nooks and crannies will enchant lovers of romance, and families with children or those who prefer active relaxation will enjoy the diversity of the surrounding nature and the hotel's wellness centre. The unconventionally designed hotel garden with terraces and a romantic lake is the perfect wedding venue. The informal setting of the reading room is great for business meetings. In addition, the possibilities of the immediate surroundings provide the conditions for unforgettable and original teambuilding. High-quality gastronomy is a matter of course and our team of chefs has prepared an interesting and tasty festival menu.
Cena menu ZFJ: 32,- €