Stará Lesná 157
Stará Lesná
Hotel Lesná**** Superior v obci Stará Lesná, v podhorí Vysokých Tatier, je oázou relaxu so štýlovým ubytovaním, unikátnym wellness a prvým, jediným Spa by L´Occitane na Slovensku, vychýrenou kuchyňou pod vedením Petra Ďurča a najmä osobným prístupom k hosťom.
Vitajte na výnimočnom mieste, kde Vám umožníme spomaliť, stíchnuť, zregenerovať sily, oddávať sa rozmaznávaniu a vychutnávať si pôžitok z dokonalého oddychu.
Hotel Lesná**** Superior in the village of Stará Lesná, in the foothills of the High Tatras, is an oasis of relaxation with stylish accommodation, unique wellness and the first, the only Spa by L'Occitane in Slovakia, excellent cuisine under the leadership of Petr Ďurč and especially personal approach to guests. Welcome to an exceptional place where we will allow you to slow down, calm down, regenerate your strength, indulge in pampering and enjoy the pleasure of perfect relaxation.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35 €
Hotel Lesná**** Superior in the village of Stará Lesná, in the foothills of the High Tatras, is an oasis of relaxation with stylish accommodation, unique wellness and the first, the only Spa by L'Occitane in Slovakia, excellent cuisine under the leadership of Petr Ďurč and especially personal approach to guests. Welcome to an exceptional place where we will allow you to slow down, calm down, regenerate your strength, indulge in pampering and enjoy the pleasure of perfect relaxation.
Cena menu ZFJ: 35 €